The role and composition of human milk oligosaccharides
P. Uhrík 1; Z. Uhríková 2; M. Zibolen 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Interná klinika gastroenterologická JLF UK a UN Martin, Slovensko
1; Neonatologická klinika JLF UK a UN Martin, Slovensko
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2020; 75 (3): 183-186.
The importance of breast milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) in nutrition has been overlooked for a long time. Technical advances with possibility of HMOs synthesis draw attention to this component of breast milk, as evidenced by the exceptional number of indexed publications in the PubMed database over the past 10 years. The oligosaccharide fraction is the third largest constituent of breast milk. Interindividual variability of HMO is genetically and environmentally affected. It is currently unclear whether the composition of the HMO is tailored to the specific infant needs. HMOs are similar in composition to glycocalyx of intestinal epithelial cells, affect intestinal microbiota, mucosal immunity, inhibit pathogens, thereby contributing to protection against infections. Synthetically awaited HMO 2-fucoslyllactose and lacto-N-neo-tetraose are considered safe and added to milk formula.
The review article deals with the structure of oligosaccharides of breast milk with regard to their function and benefits.
oligosaccharides – breast milk – intestinal microbiota
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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

2020 Issue 3
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