Attachment and chronic illness in children
N. Valúchová 1; P. Dobríková 1; J. Slaný 1,2,3; M. Slaná 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce Trnavskej univerzity, Trnava, Slovensko
1; Univerzita Tomáše Bati, Zlín, Česká republika
2; Klinika pediatrie, Fakultná nemocnica Trnava, Slovensko
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2020; 75 (3): 164-170.
Original Papers
Recognizing the bio-psycho-social dimensions of chronic health conditions in children and preparing them for adaptation to the medical process is one of the most important goals of health psychology. In health care for children with chronic illness, psychologists in health care are increasingly taking into account attachment theory because of the identified strong protective factors in security attachment between the mother (or other relationship person) and child.
The presented metaanalysis integrate the findings of relevant studies aimed at searching the relationship in children with chronic disease. Nine studies were selected from a total of 168 identified studies. All of included studies were aimed at searching the relationship between chronic disease in pediatric pacients and attachment.
Pain – attachment – chronic disease
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10. Mikulincer M, Shaver PR. Attachment in Adulthood: Structure, Dynamic, Change. New Yourk: The Guilford Press, 2007. ISBN 978-1--59385-457-7.
11. Polloni L, et al. Food allergy and attitudes to close interpersonal rela-tionships: an exploratory study on attachment. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2017; 28 (5): 458–463.
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13. Feeney JA. Implications of attachment style for patterns of health and illness. Child: Care, Health Dev 2000; 26 (4): 277–288.
14. Carter AS, et al. Maternal depression and comorbidity: predicting early parenting, attachment security, and toddler social-emotional problems and competencies. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2001; 40 (1): 18–26.
15. Hay DF, et al. Intellectual problems shown by 11-year-old children whose mothers had postnatale depression. J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2001; 42 (7): 871–889.
16. Luoma I, et al. Longitudinal study of maternal depressive symptoms and child well-being. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2001; 40 (12): 1367–1374.
17. Favez N, et al. Attachment and couple satisfaction as predictors of expressed emotion in women facing breast cancer and their partners in the immediate post-surgery period. Br J Health Psychol 2017; 22: 169–185.
18. Agostini A, et al. Attachment and quality of life in patients with inflammantory bowel disease. Int J Colorectal Dis 2014; 29: 1291–1296.
19. Dehghani-Arani, et al. Efficacy of an Attachment- Based intervention model on health indices in children with chronic disease and their mothers. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 2018; 45 (6): 900–910.
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21. Mäntymaa M, et al. Infant- mother interaction as a predictor of child’s chronic health problems. Child: Care, Health Dev 2003; 29 (3): 181–191.
22. Schore AN. The effects of early relational trauma on right brain development, affect regulation and infant mental health. Infant Ment Health J 2001; 22: 201–269.
23. Cole PM, et al. The development of emotion regulation and dysregulation: a clinical perspective. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 1994; 59 (2–3): 73–102.
24. Goldberg S, Gotowiec A, Simmons R. Infant- mother attachment and behavior problems in healthy and chronically ill preschoolers. Development Psychopathology 1995; 7 (2): 267–282.
25. Mrazek DA, et al. Insecure attachment in severaly asthmatic preschool children: Is it a risk factor? J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1986; 26 (4): 516–520.
26. Williams R, et al. The role of attachment insecurity in the emergence of anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents with migraine: an empirical study. J Headache Pain 2015; 18 (1): 1–8.
27. Walsh T, et al. Attachment dimension and young children’s response to pain. Pain Res Manage 2008; 13 (1): 33–40.
28. Fischer-Fay A, et al. Chronic illness and infant-mother attachment: Cystic fibrosis. Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics 1988; 9 (5): 266–270.
29. Cassidy J. Emotion regulation: influences of attachment relationships. Soc Res Child Dev 1994; 59 (2–3): 228–249.
Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

2020 Issue 3
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