Genital bleeding in childhood view by pediatric gynecologist
H. Kosová
Authors‘ workplace:
Gynekologie Studentský dům, s. r. o.
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2020; 75 (3): 131-136.
Genital bleeding occurs in girls of all ages, and is seen in both newborns and adolescents. At some periods in childhood, bleeding from the genital is completely physiological, but we can also find disorders of this bleeding, in another period any bleeding from the genital is a completely pathological symptom and it is necessary to quickly diagnose and treat the cause.
Typically, we can meet pathological bleeding during the rest period of a girl, when the reproductive system is in a state of functional rest, and therefore we cannot see physiological bleeding at this age. Most frequently, however, physiological bleeding and its disorders occure during sexual maturation, we can find both menstrual cycle disorders in irregularity of cycle or excessive bleeding or lack of a physiological menstrual cycle. Any unclear bleeding or menstrual cycle disorder during childhood and adolescence should be investigated by a pediatric gynecologist, since many causes, diagnosis and treatment of bleeding in children and adolescent girls differ from similar issues in adulthood.
The aim of our treatment is a gynecologically healthy girl with a regular menstrual cycle promising good reproduction of the patient in future.
vulvovaginitis – foreign body in vagina – trauma of genital – menstrual cycle disorder – dysfunctinal uterinne bleeding – amenorhea – oligomenorhea – polymenorhea
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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

2020 Issue 3
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