Helicobacter pylori: A Compari-son of Attitudes of Czech and British Gastroenterologists in 1993–1995
M. Lukáš
; P. Chalupná
Vyšlo v časopise:
Prakt. Lék. 2003; (1): 9-12
Before the Maastricht Consensus Report opinions on the role and treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection inupper gastrointestinal disease varied widely amongst gastroenterologists. In 1995 all members of the CzechSociety of Gastroenterologists were sent a questionnaire to ascertain their opinions.A response rate of 52 % was achieved (270 of 519). 79 % agreed that Helicobacter pylori causes duodenalulcers. 93 % agreed, that compared to H2 antagonists, eradication therapy significantly reduces recurrence ofduodenal ulcers.Initial presentation of duodenal ulcers would have been treated with H2 antagonists by 47 % and witheradication therapy by 37 % responders. However eradication therapy was much more popular for firstrecurrences and relapsing ulcers, namely 56 % and 59 %. Also to treat gastric ulcers and non-ulcerativedyspepsia in the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection, 63 % and 70 % would have opted for an eradicationprotocol. 99 % used routine tests to determine presence of infection and 58 % checked the success of therapy.The same study was carried out in the United Kingdom two years earlier. Overall, Czech specialists hadtaken on board more of the therapeutic implications of Helicobacter pylori.
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