Developmental speech /language/ communication disorders in the current concept of neurodevelopmental disorders - or what to do with the snakelets in the brain
PaedDr. Pospíšilová Lenka
Published in the journal:
Listy klinické logopedie 2018; 2(1): 39-44
Hlavní téma
The article discusses developmental speech, language and communication disorders from the point of view of the end of the period between the original rules and the new concept. It explains the difference of concepts of the current ICD-10 World Health Organization and DSM-V American Psychiatric Society issued five years ago and leaves a look into the upcoming version of ICD-11. It emphasizes that neurodevelopmental disorders, among which all developmental communication disorders belong, require a conceptual approach based on current knowledge of neurobiology and genetics. New insights bring fundamental changes in the preview , that is why they are a must for the modern concept of our field. Finally, the author of the article considers the need to change the care of children with neurodevelopmental disorders in a coordinated system with an interdepartmental overlap.
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