Structure of Care in Neurorehabilitation

Authors: M. Lippertová-Grünerová 1,2
Authors place of work: LF Univerzity Kolín nad Rýnem, ANR Bonn 1;  Klinika rehabilitačního lékařství 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze 2
Published in the journal: Cesk Slov Neurol N 2012; 75/108(6): 689-693
Category: Přehledný referát


The number of patients who are severely brain damaged, constantly growing, especially due to the growing number of vehicles and the ever-increasing popularity of high-risk “extreme” sports in their free time. Number of such patients also increases due to the considerable progress both in urgent emergency care, as well as in medical intensive care. Patients with severe, previously fatal, brain damage often survive, but often with severe functional consequences. For ethical and medico-political reasons, is a fundamental requirement to achieve these patients after acute medical care the best possible quality of life and self-sufficiency that would allow them to once again find its place in society. In the Czech Republic for the future development of rehabilitation essential to develop a legally docked phase model of comprehensive neurorehabilitation. Comprehensive neurorehabilitation begins in the acute phase of the disease and continues in special centers until it is appropriate to implement therapy at home. A good example of how to organize the rehabilitation process, the so-called phase model of rehabilitation, which is practiced for many years in the Federal Republic of Germany. Phase model here has helped optimize the structure of rehabilitation services, and enable transparency rehabilitation process. Definitions, in which phase of rehabilitation the patient should be admitted, there are fixed and the inclusion of patients within each phase follows the Barthel Index. Is also determined by the length and intensity of treatment, according to which govern the height of the daily cost of rehabilitation of the patient. The main benefit of this model is the ability to start early rehabilitation, and in many cases during the acute phase of the disease. This ensures continuity and quality of rehabilitation process in terms of the rehabilitation chain.

Key words:
brain injury – structural concept of rehabilitation – complex neurorehabilitation


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