Isolated musculocutaneous nerve injury in a motorcyclist – a case report

Autoři: A. Hora 1;  M. Makeľ 2,3;  A. Whitley- 4 6;  D. Kachlík 4,6;  R. Kaiser- 4,6 8
Působiště autorů: Department of Anatomy, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, and University Hospital Královské Vinohrady, Prague, Czech Republic 1;  Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, St. Anne's University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic 2;  Department of Anatomy, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic 3;  Department of Anatomy, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic 4;  Department of General Surgery, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, and University Hospital Královské Vinohrady, Prague, Czech Republic 5;  Center for Endoscopic, Surgical and Clinical Anatomy (CESKA), Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic 6;  Department of Spinal Surgery, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, Oxford, United Kingdom 7;  Department of Neurosurgery and Neurooncology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, and Military University Hospital Prague, Czech Republic 8
Vyšlo v časopise: ACTA CHIRURGIAE PLASTICAE, 66, 2, 2024, pp. 86-89
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/ccachp202486


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Adam Hora, MD
Department of Anatomy, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and University Hospital Královské Vinohrady
Šrobárova 1150/ 50
100 34 Prague
Czech Republic
e-mail: adamhora99@seznam.cz
Submitted: 6. 2. 2024
Accepted: 25. 7. 2024
Chirurgie plastická Ortopedie Popáleninová medicína Traumatologie

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