Familial combined hyperlipidemia – the most common genetic dyslipidemia in population and in patients with premature atherothrombotic cardiovascular disease
Helena Vaverková; David Karásek
Authors‘ workplace:
III. interní klinika – nefrologická, revmatologická a endokrinologická LF UP a FN Olomouc
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2018; 64(1): 25-29
Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCH) is the most frequent genetic dyslipidemia (DLP) with high risk of early atherosclerosis manifestation. It is characterized by elevated both triglycerides ≥ 1.5 mmol/l and apolipoprotein B ≥ 1.2 g/l (hyper-TG/hyper-ApoB fenotype), with at least two affected family members. Despite the fact that plasmatic levels of total cholesterol and LDL-C are usually lower than in familial hypercholesterolemia and full expression of DLP in FCH occurs in adulthood, risk of premature manifestation of atherosclerosis is similar in both these familial DLP. It is probably due to the presence of other atherogenic lipid and non-lipid risk factors, such as increased levels of triglyceride rich lipoprotein remnants, presence of small dense LDL, reduction of HDL-C, presence of insulin resistance with impaired glucose homeostasis, hepatic steatosis, arterial hypertension, hyperuricemia and presence of increased markers of systemic inflammation. The term “familial” usually implicates a monogenic trait. However, FCH is almost always nonmendelian. According to recent knowledge FCH is mostly polygenic with variable presence of large effect mutations, accumulation of several small-effect polymorphisms and some environmental influences. Therefore, FCH is rather a syndrome with common clinical presentation but multigenic causes. The term „familial combined hyperlipidemia“ is embedded in clinical practice and so it is not necessary to abandon it, as it nearly urges to examination of first degree relatives. This might help to identify a great number of risk subjects who deserve appropriate management.
Key words:
apolipoprotein B – familial combined hyperlipidemia – genetics – insulin resistance – premature atherosclerosis – triglycerides
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Internal Medicine

2018 Issue 1
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