Targeted nutritional intervention as a tool to support self-sufficiency in a geriatric patient
Mikulecká Věra
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení následné péče, Krajská nemocnice Liberec, a. s.
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2024, 13, č. 1: 27-31
An 86-year-old polymorbid woman was hospitalized in the trauma ward for a femoral neck fracture, osteosynthesis performed. The patient was then transferred to the aftercare department for further treatment and rehabilitation. Here she was diagnosed with dementia and malnutrition syndrome. Despite the set nutritional support, the patient‘s body weight decreased significantly during the hospitalization. At discharge, regular visits to the geriatric outpatient clinic were scheduled with the patient‘s family for easier management of dementia treatment and nutritional support. As part of a comprehensive geriatric assessment, a targeted nutritional support plan adapted to the patient‘s carefully organized home care system was developed in cooperation with a nutritional therapist. In cooperation with the nutrition clinic, the nutritional support plan was slightly optimized according to the patient‘s dietary preferences. During the next control examination in the geriatric outpatient clinic, a positive effect of the therapy in increasing body weight, improvement of frailty syndrome, nutritional status and sarcopenia was noted as early as three months after discharge from hospital. The described case shows the practical benefit of regular nutritional screening of seniors and case management by a geriatrician with a nutritional therapist, nutritionist, patient‘s family and home care workers.
geriatric patient, malnutrition, nutritional support, home care, self-sufficiency
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prostheticsArticle was published in
Geriatrics and Gerontology
2024 Issue 1
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