Interprofessionl recommendations for Alzheimer’s disease diagnostics and therapy: Palliative care in contemporary context
Vaňková Hana *1; Hrnčiariková Dana **2; Závadová Irena **3; Franková Vanda ***4; Právní Komentář: Barbora Steinlauf **5
Authors‘ workplace:
Česká gerontologická a geriatrická společnost České lékařské společnosti Jana Evangelisty Purkyně
*; Česká společnost paliativní medicíny České lékařské společnosti Jana Evangelisty Purkyně
**; Psychiatrická společnost České lékařské společnosti Jana Evangelisty Purkyně
***; Interní klinika 3. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady
1; Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové, Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové, Univerzita Karlova
2; Oddělení dlouhodobé lůžkové péče Nemocnice Mělník
3; Psychiatrická nemocnice v Dobřanech
4; International Research Lab for Bioethics, Oddělení aplikované filosofie a etiky, Filosofický ústav Akademie věd ČR, Advokátní kancelář JUDr. Barbora Steinlauf, MA, Ph. D.
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2024, 13, č. 1: 47-51
The article is focused on person-centred care for people living with Alzheimer‘s disease and similar illnesses. Active medical support of functional status using comprehensive geriatric assessment is emphasised as well as the need for appropriate differential diagnosis of the etiology of dementia syndrome. It is enriched by a legal perspective and a reflection on the contribution of the European Association for Palliative Care document to shared decision-making. This topic is undergoing major development from the perspective of clinical medicine and interdisciplinary collaboration.
At the same time, readers are provided with a translation of methods and results of the Delphi consensus entitled „White Paper defining optimal palliative care for older people with dementia“. Published by the European Association of Palliative Care in 2014, a comprehensive Czech translation has been missing. Now it is available to readers together with an original article which reflects context of the topic in the Czech Republic.
1. Van der Steen JT, Radbruch L, Hertogh CM, et al. White paper defining optimal palliative care in older people with dementia: a Delphi study and recommendations from the European Association for Palliative Care. Palliat Med 2014; 28(3): 197–209.
2. Bavelaar L, McCann A, Cornally N, et al. Guidance for family about comfort care in dementia: a comparison of an educational booklet adopted in six jurisdictions over a 15 year timespan. BMC Palliat Care. 2022; 21(1): 76.
3. Německá doporučení S3-Leitlinie „Demenzen“ (Langversion 2023). Dostupné na:
4. Elias MF, Beiser A, Wolf PA, et al. The preclinical phase of Alzheimer disease: a 22-year prospective study of the Framingham cohort. Arch Neurol 2000; 57(6): 808–813. doi:10.1001/archneur.57.6.808.
5. North West Coast Strategic Clinical Network Palliative Care Guidelines in Dementia 2nd Edition. Online:
6. Durepos P, Wickson-Griffiths A, Hazzan AA, et al. Assessing palliative care content in dementia care guidelines: a systematic review. J Pain Sym Man 2017; 53 (4): 804–813. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2016.10.368.
7. Malhi R, McElveen J, O’Donnell L. Palliative care of the patient with dementia. Dela J Public Health 2021; 7(4): 92–98. doi: 10.32481/djph.2021.09.012. PMID: 34604771;
PMCID: PMC8482977.
8. Van der Steen JT, Sampso EL, Van den Block L, et al. Tools to assess pain or lack of comfort in dementia: a content analysis. J Pain Symptom Manage 2015; 50(5): 659–675.
9. Steinlauf B. Právo a péče v závěru života. Rozhodování na pomezí intenzivní a paliativní péče. Wolters Kluwer, 2022.
10. Nález Ústavního soudu sp. zn. I. ÚS 1594/2022.
Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prostheticsArticle was published in
Geriatrics and Gerontology
2024 Issue 1
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