Sexual Orientation, Mythsand Facts
M. Šípošová; A. Heretik; S. Ondrisová
Authors‘ workplace:
Krajská pedagogicko-psychologická poradňa, Banská Bystrica, riaditeľ prom. psych. S. FilaKatedra psychológie FF UK, Bratislava, vedúci doc. PhDr. A. Heretik, CSc.
Published in:
Čes. a slov. Psychiat., , 1999, No. 6, pp. 406-413.
The goal of the study was to verify the validity of some statements on diffe-rences between heterosexuals and homosexuals in psychosexual develop-ment, sexual behaviour, interpersonal personality factors, and coping withemotional states. These statements are myths conditioning irrational fear ofhomosexuality - homophobia. The investigated samples comprised 76 pro-bands aged 18 to 52 years, half of them heterosexually oriented and otherhalf homosexually or bisexually oriented. The homosexual and heterosexualgroups were matched as to age, sex and education. The sample was examinedby means of a quistionnaire of our own design, dealing with sexual orientati-on, relationship with parents, first sexual experience, erotic attractivenessand relations, and by standardized ICL and 8SQ questionnaires.
Key words:
homophobia, sexual orientation, interpersonal relationship, emo-tional states.
Addictology Paediatric psychiatry PsychiatryArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Psychiatry
1999 Issue 6
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