Flupentixol in the Treatment of Dependence (Proliminary Communication)
K. Nešpor; B. Prokeš; P. Brožek; O. Bartáková; M. Pekárková
Authors‘ workplace:
Psychiatrická léčebna, oddělení pro léčbu závislostí, Praha-Bohnice, ředitel MUDr. Z. Bašný
Published in:
Čes. a slov. Psychiat., , 1999, No. 6, pp. 387-390.
This is an uncountrolled pilot study on 20 inpatients dependent on alcohol,heroin, methamphetamine or with multiple drug dependency treated ona short-time basis by flupentixol (0.5 a 1.0 mg per die). These acute patientswere treated by other psychoactive drugs (e.g. buprenorphine) and theircondition could be influenced also by a decreased withdrawal state.Despite the shortcomings of our study we conclude that flupentixol, if itscontraindications are taken into account, could be useful in the treatment ofsome substance dependent patients. 15 patients in our pilot study improved(6 of them reported decreased craving, 6 decreased depression, 10 decreasedanxiety and 10 improved sleep). 12 patients reported side-effects, the mostcommon was drowsiness). We consider the use of flupentixol in substancedependent patients appropriate especially in the following situations:• In anxiety, sleep disturbances, craving and prepsychotic symptoms (theyare common in methamphetamine or cocaine dependent patients), if drowsi-ness is not a contraindication of such a treatment.• In substance dependent patients with depression which does not disappearspontaneously during abstinence.• In dually diagnosed patients, such as substance dependence and schizo-phrenia [4, 5].Pharmacological treatment should not the only strategy but part of morecomprehensive treatment including family therapy, individual and grouptherapy, counselling, and other methods.
Key words:
substance dependence, flupentixol, craving.
Addictology Paediatric psychiatry PsychiatryArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Psychiatry
1999 Issue 6
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