Forensic Expertise of Metamphetamine-In-duced Mental Disorders
J. Pokora; J. Novotná
Authors‘ workplace:
Psychiatrická léčebna, Brno-Černovice, ředitel MUDr. J. PejchlPrivátní psychiatrická ambulance, Brno
Published in:
Čes. a slov. Psychiat., , 1999, No. 6, pp. 414-419.
This study presents a simple scheme, which could help experts with forensicexpertise of criminal offences committed under the influence of metapheta-mine.This scheme is based on the 10th classification of mental and behaviouraldisorders (I.C.D.-10).Psychotic disorders, mostly paranoid or paranoid-hallucinatory states area reason for reduction or extinction of the offender’s understanding and be-haviour control. This psychotic state can be either a result of acute intoxica-tion by metamphetamine, or a consequence of long-term abuse. We alsorecommend compulsory (protective) treatment in these cases.We recommend compulsory treatment even in some cases of severe depend-ence, where the offender’s understanding and control were evaluated as notaffected.Other mental disorders caused by metamphetamine such as flash-back, un-complicated intoxication etc. usually have no effect on the level of under-standing and control.
Key words:
aggressive behaviour under influence of metamphetamine, flash-back, forensic expertise, intoxication by metamphetamine, metamphetaminedependence, metamphetamine induced mental disorders, toxic psychosis.
Addictology Paediatric psychiatry PsychiatryArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Psychiatry
1999 Issue 6
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