Chronic subdural haematoma
P. Stejskal; M. Vaverka; L. Hrabálek; M. Hampl
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurochirurgická klinika LF UP a FN Olomouc
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2019; 82(1): 25-29
Review Article
Chronic subdural haematoma represents one of the most frequent diseases which we deal with in common neurosurgical practice. Diagnosis of chronic subdural haematoma is usually determined by a neurologist, but patients with this diagnosis are commonly seen even by other specialists. The aim of this article is to provide a complete overview of etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostics and treatment of this disease with regard to up to date knowledge and authors‘ experience.
Key words:
chronic subdural haematoma – subdural effusion – hyperfibrinolysis – brain CT – burr-hole craniostomy
The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.
The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers.
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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery NeurologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

2019 Issue 1
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