Rehabilitation and physical activity in gynecological oncological diseases

Authors: D. Líška 1;  J. Kováč 1;  S. Rutkowski 2
Authors place of work: Katedra telesnej výchovy a športu, Filozofi cká fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela, Banská Bystrica, Slovenská republika 1;  Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Opole University of Technology, Opole, Poland 2
Published in the journal: Klin Onkol 2022; 35(2): 114-118
Category: Přehled
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/ccko2022114


Background: The cause of gynecological tumors is multifactorial. Risk factors include higher BMI and lack of physical activity. Gynecological oncological diseases are associated with loss of function due to the pathophysiological effects of the disease, treatment, and also mental stress in patients. These problems lead to greater rehabilitation demand of patients. Rehabilitation aims to help the patient to achieve the best possible level of functional status, to foster independence, to improve acceptance of the disease, to improve patient fatigue and improve the quality of life of the patients It is essential to focus the rehabilitation examination on several factors associated with impaired function, such as impaired cardiovascular and pulmonary function, urinary incontinence or psychological or psychological distress. The pleiotropic effect of rehabilitation can also be used in pain relief, improvement of chemotherapy tolerance, in the treatment of lymphedema and in the improvement of pelvic floor muscle function. Purpose: The main aim of this paper is to summarize available options for rehabilitation after gynecological oncological diseases.


pelvic floor – exercise – rehabilitation – gynecological oncological diseases – preoperative rehabilitation – postoperative rehabilitation


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