Use of human medicinal preparations in veterinary medicine
Pavel Brauner • Jozef Kolář • Alfréd Hera
Authors place of work:
Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno
Published in the journal:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2013; 62, 144-148
Původní práce
The paper aims to analyze the development of the consumption of human and veterinary medicinal preparations used in veterinary practice in the Czech Republic and the dynamics of the individual ATC groups in the years 2001–2008. In human ATC groups, 14 ATC were examined. The researchers examined trading both from the view of the number of items and their volume. A set of 15 veterinary ATC groups was analogically analyzed. In the set of human ATC groups, in most cases a gradual increase in the number of sold packages and items was observed, in the case of veterinary ATC groups this trend was not observed excepting the ATC groups QC03 – cardiovascular system, QP09 – antiparasitics and QV20 – various. One of the elements under study was the determination of the number of active ingredients in the selected ATC group A – the digestive tract and metabolism. In this largest ATC group of the comparative sets, the numbers of active ingredients in the given time axis as well as the number of medicinal preparations containing these ingredients were determined. The set included only the preparations with one active ingredient and when looking at their development in the course of time it can be stated that of the original 51 preparations 145 items were traded at the end of the monitored period and the number of active ingredients was extended from 31 to 59. It results from the analysis that in the course of years there occurs an increase in the number of human medicinal preparations employed for pharmacotherapy in veterinary medicine.
ATC group • veterinary medicinal preparations • consumption of medicines
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