Gallstone ileus – the diagnostic and therapeutic challenge
Tomáš Paseka; Václav Jedlička; Jan Žák
Authors place of work:
I. chirurgická klinika LF MU a Fakultní emocnice U sv. Anny v Brně
Published in the journal:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2010; 149: 340-343
Gallstone ileus as a complication of gallstone disease is a diagnostic as well as therapeutic challenge. Its development is frequently sneaking, so correct diagnosis and surgical therapy is often delayed. Thus morbidity and mortality is high. Concrement extraction by open enterotomy is a therapeutic choice. The discussed issue is if one-stage cholecystectomy and fistula closure should be done too. The paper presents a female patient with gallstone ileus treated with open enterotomy only, with no postoperative complication. The literature review follows. Authors conclude that one-stage procedure, if feasible, is acceptable method for the low risk patients.
Key words:
gallstone ileus, biliary ileus, enterobiliary fistula, gallstone disease, Bouveret’s syndrome.
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