Effects of Combined Therapy by Botulotoxin and Functional Stimulation on Spastic Gait of Patients after Cerebral Vascular Event
P. Konečný 1,2; S. Horák 2; A. Můčková 2; I. Lerchová 2; B. Kolářová 2; M. Elfmark 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Centrum léčebné rehabilitace SMN Prostějov
1; Ústav fyzioterapie FZV UP Olomouc
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 25, 2018, No. 2, pp. 59-61.
Original Papers
The study aimed at objectification of the results of a complex treatment with botulotoxin A,
Rehabilitation and functional electrostimulation of the muscles of crura ib patients after ictus with a syndrome of spastic foot. The randomized prospective study of 12 cases (with functional electrostimulation) and 12 controls (without functional electrostimulation) after a complex therapy lasting six weeks proved a statistically significant change in the walking speed in the experimental group, where the test of 10-meter walking caused a significant change from the starting mean value of 0.28 m/s to output value of 0.71 m/s, as compared with the change from 0.21 m/s to 0.34 m/s in the control group. Statistical differences between the groups concerning spasticity of the crus muscles evaluated by the modified Ashworth scale was not detected.
functional electrostimulation, ictus, spasticity, gai
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

2018 Issue 2
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