Laparoscopic liver resections – state of art
L. Martínek 1,2; M. Straka 1; L. Burda 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgické oddělení, Nemocnice Nový Jičín a. s., Centrum vysoce specializované onkologické péče pro dospělé Nový Jičín
1; Katedra chirurgických oborů, Lekářská fakulta Ostravské univerzity, Ostrava
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2020, roč. 99, č. 3, s. 105-109.
Progress had been made in the miniinvasive surgery in the past 30 years. Laparoscopic liver procedures were expanded from limited resections to major resection and complicated procedures. Miniinvasive approach offered better short-time results and similar oncological outcomes compared with open liver surgery. However, it is still challenging to perform some difficult procedures laparoscopically which requires a learning curve and accumulation of experiences in specialized centers.
hepatocellular carcinoma – laparoscopy – liver resection – liver metastasis
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Perspectives in Surgery

2020 Issue 3
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