Unauthorized and fraudulent prescription of anabolic, antiasthmatic and other therapeutic drugs by a neurologist
V. Řehák 1; E. Kilianová 2; J. Hrbáčková 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Krajská Pobočka Všeobecné zdravotní pojišťovny Zlín
; Oddělení zdravotní péče, Referát kontroly a revize zdravotní péče, Zlín
1; Oddělení zdravotní péče, Referát kontroly a revize zdravotní péče, Vsetín
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 14, 2011, č. 3, s. 101-107
The case report describes two problems:
unauthorized indication for a complex spa treatment and unauthorized prescription of medical preparations reimbursed from public health insurance. Following the indication of shortcomings and irregularities in the recommendations for a complex spa treatment in relation to VI/3 indication, a targeted revision was performed in the office of the indication-granting physician. The lack of legitimacy for the indication was confirmed. Moreover, a non-indicated prescription of anabolic drugs was detected.
The following revision in detail was oriented to legitimacy and usefulness of prescription. It has become obvious that not only the prescription of anabolic drugs, but also bronchodilators and other hormonal preparations were made without indication and mostly undocumented, frequently without the awareness of the person whose patient number was used. The subsequent police investigation made it clear that the prescribed preparations were passed over to a subject for the use in bodybuilding.
The total sum of the damage or claim for the General Health Insurance Company of the Czech Republic was about 158,000 CZK. The participants were condemned to compensation and the damage was paid. The case report confirms that the inspection of the recommendation for spa therapy may reveal not only a special-purpose behavior in indication of the spa care, but also the misuse of therapeutic preparation and even a punishable activity.
Key words:
unauthorized indication of spa care – unauthorized indication of anabolic and other hormonal preparations – targeted revision – discovery of the cause damage – disclosure of punishable offence
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2011 Issue 3
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