Physicians’ opinions of their work (First results of a questionnaire research)
J. Gebhart 1; H. Dolanský 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Subkatedra revizního lékařství IPVZ, Praha
1; Česká průmyslová zdravotní pojišťovna Ostrava
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 14, 2011, č. 3, s. 95-100
In order to obtain the opinions of revision physicians on the present state of the specialization and their position at health insurance companies the authors performed a questionnaire research and present the results in this communication. The public health reform, which is under preparation, should solve the unfavorable position of the specialization of revision medicine in the Czech Republic. The generation gap appears to be the main problem. The position of revision physicians at health insurance companies has much to do with it as well as looking for motivation resources for the work of young physicians in the revision medicine specialization. Two thirds of the respondents are only partly satisfied with the work placement within the activities of health insurance companies and their ideas about the work are not completely fulfilled. More than a half of them believe that their evaluation, considering their education and qualifications, only partly corresponds and their financial rating is unsatisfactory. More of them are of the opinion that in the future it would bed better to work as parts of an organization team independent of the health insurance companies and they see their perspective in choosing anther employer as expert opinion physicians. They also believe that it would be establish a clinical workplace of revision and expert evaluation medicine. A joint postgraduate education is considered favorable for the future. The ignorance of the problems of revision physicians could complicate the function of health insurance companies, especially if the health care is going to be divided into a standard (legitimately claimed) and an extra (above standard) type, respectively. The questionnaire survey revealed inspirational stimuli for further professional and organization work in the specialization.
Key words:
questionnaire survey – opinions of revision physicians – public health reform – the revision medicine specialization – revision physician position – public health insurance – health insurance company – concept of the specialization – education – expert opinion medicine – legislation – generation gap – work satisfaction – wage evaluation
Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2011 Issue 3
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