Obesity as a risk factor of invalidity due to diseases of locomotor apparatus
E. Coufalová
Authors‘ workplace:
LPS ČSSZ, pracoviště LPS Šumperk
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 14, 2011, č. 3, s. 83-91
The article deals with the etiology and clinical picture of obesity as a disease of massive occurrence not only from the clinical, but also expert evaluation point of view, especially within the framework of the newly introduced regulation No. 359/2009 Sb. It also reflects possible impact of obesity on the occurrence of other disease, especially of locomotor apparatus and draws attention to the need of prevention.
Key words:
obesity – risk factors – etiology of the disease – anthropometric methods
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2. Hainer, V. et al. Tajemství ideální váhy. Praha: Grada, 1996, s. 21–41, IBSN 80-7169-128-3.
3. Boháč, J. Výukové materiály pro specializační kurzy v posudkovém lékařství č. 1–3. Praha: ČSSZ, IPVZ, 2011, s. 67–79.
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5. Doporučení České obezitologické společnosti pro léčbu obezity. Dostupné na www.obesitas.cz.
Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2011 Issue 3
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