Local intravenous fibrinolysis in children and adolescents
I. Hofírek 1; M. Penka 2; M. Zvarová 3; S. Šárník 1; J. Blatný 2; O. Zapletal 2; J. Rotnágl 1; O. Sochor 1
Authors‘ workplace:
I. interní kardio‑angiologická klinika Lékařské fakulty MU a FN u sv. Anny Brno, přednosta prof. MUDr. Jiří Vítovec, CSc., FESC
1; Oddělení klinické hematologie FN Brno, pracoviště Bohunice a pracoviště FDN J. G. Mendla, přednosta prof. MUDr. Miroslav Penka, CSc.
2; Oddělení klinické hematologie FN u sv. Anny Brno, přednostka prim. MUDr. Anna Zvarová
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2010; 56(Supplementum 1): 58-63
16th Parizek's Days, Ostrava-Poruba, March 25th –26th 2010
The paper provides an evaluation of success factors and fibrinolytic dose regimes in adolescents and children whose deep vein thrombosis was managed with local ultrasound-enhanced fibrinolysis. It discusses factors determining success of fibrinolysis and reviews fibrinolytic dosing as well as plasma levels of the main monitored parameters (D-dimer and fibrinogen). The main risk factors associated with the development of deep vein thrombosis in a series of 15 cases included oral contraception use and the presence of genetic predisposition for thrombophilia. Success of thrombolysis did not depend on the duration of administration or a dose of a fibrinolytic agent but it was significantly more successful in individuals with shorter duration of thrombotic symptoms (anamnesis of approximately a week). Dosing of a fibrinolytic was better decided based on a trend in fibrinogen rather than D-dimer plasma levels. Together with fibrinolysis, continual IV low molecular weight heparin was routinely administered. Careful and supervised administration of a fibrinolytic decreases a risk of bleeding complications. Ultrasound-enhanced fibrinolysis alone is feasible in children and adolescents. The procedure is more successful in patients with short (approximately one week) history of symptoms.
Key words:
deep vein thrombosis – local fibrinolysis – duplex sonography
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

2010 Issue Supplementum 1
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