Vocational training to care for grieving parents
K. Ratislavová 1; Z. Buksová 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Fakulta zdravotnických studií
Děkan: doc. PaeDr. Ilona Mauritzová, Ph. D.
1; CareNet 360 GmbH., Stuttgart, Německo
Vedoucí pracoviště: Andreas Schäfer
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2016; 96(1): 28-31
Of different specialties
The project of vocational training of care for grieving parents was established within the framework of a student grant competition of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and was focused on the issue of perinatal loss and skills development of midwifery students. The goal of the project was to develop a vocational training program for midwifery students focused on care for grieving parents and evaluate the program based on its effectiveness. Training and evaluation was performed in line with the concept published by British authors Caroline Hollins Martin and Eleanor Forrest, who agreed with its use in the Czech republic. The training program took place in 2014 and involved 128 students in their second and third years of studies for Bachelor of midwifery on three universities in the Czech republic. Efficiency was confirmed based on the evaluation of the program. Midwifery students enhanced not only their knowledge, but thanks to activation training methods also their skill in the area of psycho-socio-spiritual care for women after perinatal loss and their families.
teaching – midwifery – perinatal loss – bereavement care – evaluation
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3. Hollins Martin CJ. RE: An interactive workbook to shape bereavement care for midwives in clinical practice [elektronická pošta]. Message to: Kateřina Ratislavová. 25. Oct 2012 [cit. 2015-09-24]. Osobní komunikace.
4. Hollins Martin CJ, Forrest E, Wylie L, Martin CR. An evaluative survey to assess the effectiveness of using an interactive workbook to deliver bereavement education to undergraduate student midwives. Midwifery 2014; 30: 942–948.
5. Hollins Martin CJ, Forrest E, Wylie L, Martin CR. The Understanding Bereavement Evaluation Tool (UBET) for midwives: Factor structure and clinical research applications. Nurse Educ Today 2013; 33(10): 1153–1159.
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8. Ratislavová K, Beran J, Kašová L. Psycho-sociální péče o ženu po perinatální ztrátě. Prakt. Lék. 2012; 92(9): 554–558.
9. Ratislavová K, Kalvas F, Beran J. Validation of the Czech Version of the Perinatal Grief Scale. Cent Eur J Nurs Midw 2015; 6(1): 191–200.
10. Warland J, Davis D, et al. Caring for families experiencing stillbirth: A unified position statement on contact with the baby [online]. An international collaboration 2011 [cit. 2015-10-01]. Dostupný z: http://missfoundation.org/news/StillbirthContactwBaby_position_statement.pdf.
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

2016 Issue 1
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