Patient’s stress in hospital, disposition, empathy
F. Irmiš
Authors‘ workplace:
Psychiatrie a psychosomatika, Praha
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2016; 96(1): 5-8
The article describes the stressful situations during the patient’s hospitalization, which are often not systematically addressed. They refer to various misunderstandings between patients themselves, the nurse or doctor. They are also dependent on their experience, personality and temperament. There are conflicts concerning letting television, which may disturb someone. Also, a longer window opening may become conflicting for significant individual differences in sensitivity to cold. Temperature control in the room often depends on the spontaneous attitudes of doctors, nurses, and cleaners. Chief physicians during patient rounds may not ask patient to describe his/her troubles, which have been omitted due to a difference of houseman’s opinion about the diagnosis, which are of importance to refine testing. Diagnostic errors may occur, particularly for latent atypical, psychosomatic illnesses and in vague objective findings. Attention is drawn to inaccuracies in the distribution of medicine. A patient who feels physician’s empathy heals better. Without it leads to dehumanization, reducing the patient’s personality or deindividuation and “labelling” diagnosis. Dehumanization is increased by lack of time, progress in technology, obedience to authority, and adherence to a particular professional group. Doctors and nurses, who have suffered a serious illness, may professionally alert to negative situations.
patient’s stress – communication in the hospital – disposition – empathy – dehumanization
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

2016 Issue 1
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