The latest news in the prevention and management of diabetic foot disease, the podiatric programme at IKEM
A. Jirkovská
Authors‘ workplace:
Institut klinické a experimentální medicíny, Praha
; Přednostka: prof. MUDr. Terezie Pelikánová, DrSc.
; Centrum diabetologie
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2011; 91(1): 21-26
40th Anniversary IKEM
The Podiatric programme at IKEM is based on hospital multidisciplinary foot team cooperation, mainly among diabetologists, surgeons and intervention radiologists and is coordinated by the IKEM Diabetes Centre. Prevention and management of diabetic foot disease remain, despite the progress to date, problematic. A survey of the number of patients with diabetic foot disease and amputation in the Czech Republic during recent years show a permanent increase of the prevalence of the disease.
Appropriate management of this severe late diabetic complication requires strict implementation of the International Diabetic Foot Consensus and the guidelines of The Czech Diabetes Society and it is possible only with a multidisciplinary team approach in diabetic foot clinics and the constant education of specialists, especially
- diabetologists,
- surgeons,
- interventional radiologists,
- diabetic foot assistants, and
- rosthetics specialists
The Diabetes Centre and one of clinics, diabetic foot clinic, at IKEM are very active both with patients with diabetic foot management and health professional education and research: e.g. a survey of number of patient’s visits at the foot clinic at IKEM between 2000 and 2009 indicated an increase from 3 800 to 7 950 visits per year and the certificated diabetic foot care assistant course was started in 2009.
Great experience with management of Charcot osteoarthropathy and new current research methods such as
- biological debridement,
- vacuum assisted closure, and
- stem cells therapy
were proven successful.
Thanks to co-operation with competent specialists, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the below-knee arteries and diabetic foot surgery specialized technique achieved considerable progress.
Key words:
diabetic foot disease, podiatric medicine, diabetes mellitus.
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2011 Issue 1
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- The latest news in the prevention and management of diabetic foot disease, the podiatric programme at IKEM