NOTES (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery) – past, present, future
T. Hucl; J. Špičák
Authors‘ workplace:
Institut klinické a experimentální medicíny, Praha
; Klinika hepatogastroenterologie
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2011; 91(1): 33-36
40th Anniversary IKEM
Transluminal endoscopy (NOTES, Natural Orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery) is a new direction in endoscopy and minimally invasive surgery. Its aim is to undertake surgical procedures in abdominal, thoracic, or retroperitoneum flexible endoscope after its passage a natural body orifice. After transluminálním performance does not remain patient scar arise hernia and is expected to lower the pain and burden for the organism
The input can be used esophagus, stomach, colon, vagina and bladder. Experiments on animals have demonstrated the technical feasibility of various good performances from simple to complex peritoneoskopie retroperitoneal resection, but their application to clinical practice is not limited laparoscopic assistance still a lack of suitable instrumentation resulting in longer time constraints and lack of security.
Laparoscopic assistance to enable the introduction of some interventions into clinical practice. Despite the achievements already carried out human remains NOTES experimental approach. Better equipment and identify appropriate indications determine the future direction of this revolutionary technology.
Key words:
natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery, laparoscopic assistance, multidisciplinary approach.
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10. Ramos, A.C., Murakami, A., Galvao N.M., Galvao M.S. et al. NOTES transvaginal video-assisted cholecystectomy: first series. Endoscopy 2008, 40, p. 572-575.
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12. Hucl, T., Benes, M., Kocik, M. et al. NOTES cholecystektomie. Ces. a Slov. Gastroent. a Hepatol. 2009, 63, p. 95-99.
13. Giday. S.A., Dray, X., Magno, P. et al. Infection during natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery: a randomized, controlled study in a live porcine model. Gastrointest. Endosc. 2010, 71, p. 812-816.
14. Varadarajulu, S., Tamhene, A., Drelichman, E.R. Patient perception of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery as a technique for cholecystectomy. Gastrointest. Endosc. 2008, 67, p. 854-860.
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

2011 Issue 1
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