Treatment of an adenoma of the ascending colon with the non-lifting sign via a combination of endoscopic mucosal resection and full-thickness resection
P. Falt 1–3; R. Andělová 3; O. Urban 1–3
Authors‘ workplace:
Centrum péče o zažívací trakt, Vítkovická nemocnice a. s., Ostrava
1; Katedra interních oborů, LF UK v Hradci Králové
2; LF OU v Ostravě
3; Oddělení patologie, Nemocnice Nový Jičín
Published in:
Gastroent Hepatol 2018; 72(2): 148-151
Digestive Endoscopy: Case Report
Endoscopic full-thickness resection (FTR) is a novel technique for transmural resection of the large intestine. The main indications are local residual neoplasia and neoplasia with the non-lifting sign that cannot be treated by standard endoscopic resection. FTR may be limited because larger lesions cannot be drawn into the cap. We present a 58-year-old patient with a superficial neoplastic lesion measuring 30 mm in the ascending colon with central depression and the non-lifting sign that was diagnosed by a screening colonoscopy. A combination of endoscopic mucosal resection of the lateral parts and FTR of the central part with the non-lifting sign was performed without any complications. Histological examination demonstrated complete resection of a tubular adenoma with high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia.
Key words:
colorectal carcinoma – adenoma – full-thickness resection – endoscopic mucosal resection
The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.
The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE „uniform requirements“ for biomedical papers.
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Paediatric gastroenterology Gastroenterology and hepatology Surgery Internal medicine Nutritive therapist ObesitologyArticle was published in
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
2018 Issue 2
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