Ultrasonography of the so-called Right Lower Quadrant Pain with Regard to Child Age - DiagnosticPossibilities and Limitations. State of the Art
V. Šimonovský
Authors‘ workplace:
Ultrazvuková diagnostika, 3. poliklinika, Příbram
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2002; (7): 339-347.
The author discuss the problematics of the ultrasonographic picture of diseases causing the right lowerquadrant pain with regard to specific features of child age. The author describes the correct sonographicexamination method, changes which can be observed on sonography and discuss diagnostic possibilities andlimitations of the method while the emphasis is given on the analysis of morphologic and pathological changesdeveloped by these conditions. Though the main attention is logically focused on acute appendicitis, the otherimportant conditions simulating appendicitis in child age and which have to be considered in the differentialdiagnosis (as mesenteric adenitis, either as a separate unit or in combination with inflammation in the region ofcaecum and ileum, ileo-ileal invagination, inflammation of Meckel’s diverticulum, Crohn’s disease, etc.) aredescribed as well. The author also compares sonography with computed tomography within the framework ofdiagnostic capabilities in relationship to acute appendicitis.
Key words:
ultrasonography, acute appendicitis, acute abdomen, alternative diagnosis, mesenteric lymphadenitis,inflammation of the terminal ileum and ileocaecum, invagination
Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics
2002 Issue 7
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