
Authors: L. Pock 1;  Š. Vojtěchovská 2
Authors‘ workplace: Dermatohistopatologická laboratoř, Praha 2Kožní ambulance, Teplice 1
Published in: Čes-slov Derm, , 2003, No. 5, p. 203-205


A 24-year old female had an oval indurated plaque skin colour with a brownish peripheral borderon the ventro-medial aspect of the left thigh. The lesion was asymptomatic subjectively and slowlyprogressed over 1.5 years. Biopsy demonstrated a dermatomyofibroma. The report summarizes themorphological and biological characteristics of the affection as well as the clinical and histopathologicaldifferential diagnosis of it.

Key words:
dermatomyofibroma – clinical picture – histopathology – myofibroblast

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