Biochemical Screening of Pregnant Women in theSecond Trimester from the Genetic Aspect
M. Kučerová; J. Horáček
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení lékařské genetiky FTN, Subkatedra lékařské genetiky IPVZ, Praha, vedoucí prof. MUDr. M. Kučerová, DrSc.
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 1999; (5): 302-304
Evaluation of the efficiency of detection of inborn chromosomal aberrations by bioche-mical screening of pregnant women.Design: Summary of 9-years study by karyotyping of amniocytes of pregnant women, when patho-logical levels of AFP, hCG, uE3 were detected. Ethical problems of genetic counselling of pregnantwomen.Setting: Department of Medical Genetics FTN, Chair of Medical Genetics IPVZ, Prague 4.Methods: Biochemical screening of pregnant women in II. trimester of pregnancy by Triple Testand computer programme Prenatal Software 1.2.K, cytogenetical examination of amniocytes fromamniotic fluid after amniocentesis in II. strimester.Results: Among 6 471 pregnant women tested by Triple Test 20 % had abnormal levels of test. In1.5% of them an abnormal fetal karyotype was detected. Only 1/3 of them were Down Syndromes,we found also other types of aberrations. During ethicaly suitable counselling only 2/3 of pregnantwomen decided to terminate the pregnancy.Conclusion: Biochemical screening of pregnant women in II. trimester is very important help fordetection of inborn chromosomal aberrations. The women must be informed by suitable ethicalapproach.
Key words:
biochemical screening in pregnancy, Triple Test, amniocentesis, chromosomal aberra-tions
Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology
1999 Issue 5
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