Czech Gynaecology - Issue 5/1999
Monochorionic Twins after Sterility Treatment byMethods of Assisted Reproduction
J. Hulvert, Tonko Mardešič, P. Müller, J. Vobořil, M. Mikova, R. Hűttelová, V. Bečvářová, Simona Jirsová
Heterotopic Pregnancy, its Prevalence in Conjunctionwith Assisted Reproduction
J. Hulvert, Tonko Mardešič, J. Vobořil, P. Müller
Biochemical Screening of Pregnant Women in theSecond Trimester from the Genetic Aspect
M. Kučerová, J. Horáček
Effect of the Number of Transferred Embryos on theMultiplicity of Pregnancy
J. Březinová, M. Svobodová, M. Talaš, L. Chrastinová, J. Dostál, I. Oborná, Š. Machač, Milan Kudela
Screening of Down’s Syndrome in the 10th-13th Weekof Gestation
D. Stejskal, jun. M. Břešťák, M. Hostlovská
Antibiotic Prophylaxis of Infectious Complications ofCaesarean Sections - Prospective Study
J. Jeníček, Tomáš Fait, A. Jedličková, J. Živný
Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic VaginalCandidosis
J. Špott, A. Ševčíková, J. Hájek, jun. P. Matýšek
Definice laparoskopické hysterektomie
Z. Holub, P. Bartoš
Bakteriálne zoonózy: listeriózna infekciamatky v III. trimestri gravidity
K. Hlinšťák, T. Bertold, M. Ondrušková, D. Moravčíková
Czech Gynaecology
1999 Issue 5
Most read in this issue
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis of Infectious Complications ofCaesarean Sections - Prospective Study
- Screening of Down’s Syndrome in the 10th-13th Weekof Gestation
- Heterotopic Pregnancy, its Prevalence in Conjunctionwith Assisted Reproduction
- Definice laparoskopické hysterektomie