Sociální rehabilitace těžce zrakověpostižených
Social Rehabilitation of Subjects with Severely Impaired Eyesight
The author presents basic information about types of social rehabilitation ofsubjects with severely impaired eyesight in the Czech Republic. Rehabilitation isprovided by Centres for early care, special schools, special pedagogical centres,Tyfloservis ( to which special attention is devoted ) and other centres of the CzechBlind United incl. contacts. A component of the paper is the whole list of all centersof social rehabilitation of the blind including contact. The aim of my paper is tosummarize all the basic information concerning social rehabilitation of blind andpeople with impaired vision and to help ophthalmologists and their patients withimpaired vision to get touch with concrete institute follow-up care.
Key words:
social rehabilitation, stimulation of visual functions, centres of earlycare, special pedagogical centres, Tyfloservis
M. Šimůnek
Působiště autorů:
Tyfloservis Hradec Králové
Vyšlo v časopise:
Čes. a slov. Oftal., , 2000, No. 6, p. 389-393
sociální rehabilitace, stimulace zrakových funkcí, střediska ranépéče, speciálně pedagogická centra, Tyfloservis
Klíčová slova:
- Sjednocená organizace nevidomých a slabozrakých ČR,ředitel PhDr. Josef Cerha, Tyfloservis centrum Praha
OftalmologieČlánek vyšel v časopise
Česká a slovenská oftalmologie
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