Assesment of Optic Disc Edema

Authors: N. Jirásková;  J. Kadlecová;  E. Rencová;  J. Studnička;  P. Rozsíval
Authors place of work: Hradec Králové ;  Oční klinika LF UK a FN
Published in the journal: Cesk Slov Neurol N 2007; 70/103(5): 547-551
Category: Krátké sdělení


Optic disc edema is a clinical manifestation of various pathological conditions. Papilledema is optic disc swelling that results from increased intracranial pressure. The development of papilledema is a dynamic process, that could be classified into several stages: early, fully developed, chronic a late, atrophic stage. The characteristic signs of papilledema are venous congestions of arcuate and peripapillary vessels, blurring of the optic disc margins, filling-in of the optic disc cup, papillary and retinal peripapillary hemorhages, hard exudates, nerve fiber layer infarcts (cotton-wool spots), edema of the nerve fiber layer and retinal or choroidal folds. The authors present survey of methods of ocular fundus assesment. Based on their own experiences and literature review they compare advantages and disadvantages of each method and the scheme of description of ophthalmoscopic picture of papilledema. The objective of this article is to improve communication and cooperation between neurologists, neurosurgeons and ophthalmologists that will be beneficial in the treatment of their common patients with papilledema.

Key words:
papilledema – optic nerve – assesment – staging scheme


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Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie

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