Therapeutic monitoring of antipsychotics with a focus on lurasidone and its dosing
Z. Strašilová 1; M. Turjap 2; J. Juřica 3
Authors place of work:
Farmakologický ústav LF MU, Brno Ústav laboratorní medicíny – Oddělení klinické biochemie FN, Brno
1; Ústavní lékárna, FN Ostrava
2; Ústav farmakologie a toxikologie FaF MU, Brno Ústavní lékárna, Masarykův onkologický ústav, Brno Kamenice 5, 625 00 Brno
Published in the journal:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2023; 72, 203-213
Přehledy a odborná sdělení
Dose-response relationships are not fully understood for antipsychotics. Especially in the case of multimodal antipsychotics, these relationships cannot be simplified to the level of dopaminergic receptor occupancy alone. In general, for most antipsychotics, there is no linear dose-response relationship. Reasons for this include, among others, pharmacokinetic factors affecting plasma levels. Based on meta-analyses, the doseresponse curve appears to be bell-shaped. However, in the case of some antipsychotics, it appears that even increasing the dose beyond the recommended range could yield further increases in efficacy. It should be stressed that this is an off-label procedure and cannot generally be recommended and there is not enough valid information for general conclusions for these antipsychotics either. Mini-invasive sampling and alternative matrices such as saliva or dry blood spots could open the way to more frequent monitoring of antipsychotics and a better understanding of doseresponse relationships.
Safety – Therapeutic drug monitoring – efficacy – lurasidone – dose- response relationship
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