On the content of the national part of the Czech Pharmacopoeia from the aspect of the formulation of medicinal preparations in pharmacies

Authors: J. Šubert
Published in the journal: Čes. slov. Farm., 2008; 57, 132-134
Category: Z praxe


The national part of the Czech Pharmacopoeia 2005 and its Supplements 2006 and 2007 do not sufficiently solve the issues of standardization of the present formulation of medicinal preparations in pharmacies. The paper discusses some of the possible causes of this state and lists the examples of ophthalmic drops monographs which are no longer topical for formulation in pharmacies, and also some monographs with obsolete active ingredient concentrations or not fully solved formulation technology.

Key words:
Czech Pharmacopoeia – national part – formulation of medicinal preparations in pharmacies


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Farmacie Farmakologie

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Česká a slovenská farmacie

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