Antimicrobial prophylaxis in general surgery – results after one year using of standart
Jakub Jandík
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgické oddělení, Oblastní nemocnice Rychnov nad Kněžnou a. s.
Published in:
Hojení ran 7, č. 2: 7-13, 2013
Antimicrobial prophylaxis is not used adequately in general surgery and the incidence of surgical site infections is not observed systematically in Czech Republic. In the article, retrospective incidence analysis of surgical site infections after acute appendectomies at department of surgery during year 2011 is presented.
Impact evaluation of introduction of antimicrobial prophylaxis standard.
Retrospective analysis of SSI incidence on file of 155 patients who underwent surgery in 24 hours after admission because of suspicion of acute appendicitis during year 2011 and comparing results to reference period of years 2005–2010.
Introducing of antimicrobial prophylaxis standard and higher number of laparoscopic procedures lead to reduce surgical site infections incidence from 9,57% to 7,74%.
Antimicrobial prophylaxis and higher rate of laparoscopic procedures are occasions, how to decrease incidence of surgical site infections, thereby increase patients safety and quality of medical care of our patients who underwent acute appendectomy.
Key words:
acute appendicitis, antimicrobial prophylaxis, surgical site infections
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Surgery Nurse Home nurseArticle was published in
Wound Healing
2013 Issue 2
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