Wound Healing - Issue 2/2013
Cellulose materials in the wound healing
Tomáš Sopuch, Radomíra Drahovzalová, Josef Rýdl, Ivo Bureš, Miloslav Milichovský, Jarmila Vytřasová, Petra Moťková, Václav Švorčík, Jiří Podlaha, Marie Horáková, Ruta Masteiková, Lenka Vinklárková, Pavel Suchý
The use of plasma rich in thrombocytes in the wound healing – some new information and the first experience
Igor Slaninka, Leo Klein, František Hošek, Lucie Hasenöhrlová, Stanislav Jíška, Milan Kaška
The complex regional pain syndrome in a wound treatment
Martin Stašek, Tomáš Řezáč, Linda Bébarová, Zbyněk Tüdös, Petr Prášil, Tomáš Gabrhelík
A wound treatment in the intensive care from a physiotherapist’s point of view
Kateřina Spilková, Markéta Koutná
Perinatal traumatism
Pavla Krčmová, Jana Dvořáková
From History
Wound Healing
2013 Issue 2
Most read in this issue
- The complex regional pain syndrome in a wound treatment
- Cellulose materials in the wound healing
- The importance of antimicrobial prophylaxis on urgent appendectomy
- Perinatal traumatism