The Impact of Weather on Pain and Physical Activity of Osteoarthrosis Patiens
M. Malay; J. Čelko; P. Shtin Baňárová
Authors‘ workplace:
Fakulta zdravotníctva, Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 26, 2019, No. 2, pp. 81-86.
Original Papers
Background: Although the impact of weather on chronic diseases was known as long as ago as ancient China, yet there are few studies dealing with this issue.
Objectives: To assess the impact of unfavorable meteorological conditions on pain and physical activity of people suffering from osteoarthritis (OA) and consider options to mitigate their negative effects.
Methodology: In this work, we present findings from studies published in electronic databases and journals by the end of 2016, focused on objectification of the impact of weather on pain and physical activity of people with OA and the options of hypoalgesia via exercise.
Results: Most people with OA are meteo-sensitive. The intensity and prevalence of meteo-sensitivity increases with age and is more common in women .Up to now, biological mechanisms influencing pain in meteo-sensitive patients have not been satisfactorily explained. However, all studies have confirmed discomfort both in somatic and mental area.
Conclusion: Restitution of physical fitness and mental well-being which does not activate the source of nociception, acts hypalgesic. Physical activity of people with OA should be adapted to weather variances. Increased overall excitability with increased muscle tone with the weather changes can be influenced by relaxation techniques of yoga or autogenous training and complemented by other procedures according to the type of disorder.Several studies recommend some techniques and procedures developed by yoga or Chinese physical exercises (Tai Chi).
Physical activity – Pain – osteoarthritis – Weather
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Physiotherapist, university degree Orthopaedics General practitioner for adults Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

2019 Issue 2
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