Intraosseous ganglion cyst of the scaphoid with an extraosseous component –an uncommon cause of volar wrist pain: case report and literature review
D. Ira 1; B. Čechová 2; M. Krtička 1; J. Kovařík 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika úrazové chirurgie Fakultní nemocnice Brno a Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy uninversity, Brno, Česká republika
1; Klinika radiologie a nukleární medicíny, Fakultní nemocnice Brno a Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy uninversity, Brno, Česká republika
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2024, roč. 103, č. 5, s. 193-198.
Case Report
Intraosseous ganglion is a relatively rare cause of chronic wrist pain. The ganglion is most commonly found in the os lunatum and os scaphoideum and in many cases includes an extraosseous component, both of which can be a source of clinical difficulty. In our case report, we present a patient with atypical chronic volar wrist pain who was diagnosed to have an intraosseous ganglion of the os scaphoideum with a volar extraosseous component as the main source of her problems. The patient had both components of the ganglion removed and the defect in the os scaphoideum was filled with an autogenous cancellous bone graft resulting in resolution of the clinical complaints and elimination of the risk of os scaphoideum fracture. The diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in patients found to have an intraosseous ganglion of the wrist with an extraosseous component are described and discussed in relation to the relevant literature.
ganglion cyst – scapholunate ligament – scaphoid – wrist pain
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MUDr. Daniel Ira
Klinikaúrazové chirurgie, LF MU a FN Brno
Jihlavská 20
62500 Brno
Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

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