Acute mesenteric ischemia with necrosis of entire small intestine
M. Bakalář
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgické oddělení Nemocnice Slaný
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2019, roč. 98, č. 4, s. 174-177.
Case Report
The case study describes a case of a patient with acute mesenteric ischemia with necrosis of entire small intestine. In following text there is an overview of the incidence of acute mesenteric ischemia, its most common etiology, diagnostic methods and treatment of this severe disease.
acute mesenteric ischemia
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Oldenburg WA, Lau LL, Rodenberg TJ, et al. Acute mesenteric ischemia: a clinical review. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:1054−62.
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Karkkainen JM, Acosta S. Acute mesenteric ischemia (part I) - Incidence, etiologies, and how to improve early diagnosis. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2017;31:15−25. doi: 10.1016/j.bpg.2016.10.018
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Meng X, Liu L, Jiang H. Indications and procedures for second-look surgery in acute mesenteric ischemia. Surg Today 2010;40:700−5. doi: 10.1007/s00595-009-4140-4.
Karkkainen JM, Acosta S. Acute mesenteric ischemia (Part II) - Vascular and endovascular surgical approaches. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2017;31:27−38. doi: 10.1016/j.bpg.2016.11.003
Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

2019 Issue 4
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