Ten years of endovenous ablation – achievements, failures and future
L. Veverková 1; L. Páč 2; J. Kalač 1; I. Procházková 1; J. Žák 1; P. Vlček 1
Authors‘ workplace:
I. chirurgická klinika LF MU, FN u sv. Anny v Brně, přednosta: Prof. MUDr. I. Čapov, CSc.
1; Anatomický ústav LF MU v Brně, přednosta: Prof. RNDr. P. Dubový, CSc.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2014, roč. 93, č. 2, s. 57-62.
Práce je věnována prof. MUDr. Janu Wechslerovi, CSc., k významnému životnímu jubileu.
Endovenous ablation of varicose veins is a very frequent treatment method which has more or less replaced the classic stripping method. It has its limitations, advantages as well as disadvantages. The authors present a summarizing article and their own experience with these methods. Histology examinations performed prove differences in the reaction of the endothelium to the individual types of endovenous therapy. Causes of varicose veins treatment failures are discussed.
Key words:
saphenous-femoral junction – great saphenous vein – laser RFA – histology of vein following endothermic ablation
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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

2014 Issue 2
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