The use of acellular biological xenografts in local treatment of Lyell’s syndrome
H. Klosová; Z. Němečková Crkvenjaš; L. Petráš; J. Štětinský
Authors‘ workplace:
Popáleninové centrum FN Ostrava, primářka: MUDr. Z. Němečková Crkvenjaš
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2014, roč. 93, č. 2, s. 76-81.
Case Report
Lyell’s syndrome, also known as toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), is a rare skin disease characterized by a high mortality rate, systemic toxicity and extensive epidermal necrolysis with mucosal erosions. TEN is caused by an allergic autoimmune response, most commonly occurring as a result of an allergic reaction to medication. Our case report describes a nine-year-old boy suffering from Lyell’s syndrome, with 95% of the body surface area affected.
Key words:
Lyell’s syndrome – xenotransplantation
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Perspectives in Surgery

2014 Issue 2
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