Acute Injuries of Lateral Ankle Joint Ligaments
M. Lacko; Z. Sidor *; Š. Štolfa; R. Čellár; G. Vaško
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika ortopédie a traumatológie pohybového ústrojenstva Lekárskej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika a Fakultnej nemocnice L. Pasteura v Košiciach, Slovenská republika, prednosta kliniky: doc. MUDr. Gabriel Vaško, CSc.
; Oddelenie urgentného príjmu Fakultnej nemocnice L. Pasteura v Košiciach, Slovenská republika, primár oddelenia: MUDr. Zoltán Sidor, Ph. D.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2010, roč. 89, č. 7, s. 461-465.
Monothematic special - Original
Acute injuries of the lateral ankle ligaments are one of the most common form of injury involving the musculoskeletal apparatus. Treatment usually range from cast immobilisation or acute surgical repair to functional rehabilitation.
The aim of our study
was to evaluate the incidence of different grades of acute injuries of lateral ligaments of the ankle joint in our patients group and to compare the results of non surgical versus surgical treatment of third grade injuries.
3148 patients were treated for acute lateral ankle sprain in a period of 5 years at our department. Each patient had stress X-ray of the ankle for evaluation of instability at the first visit. From the 234 patients with third grade injury, 39 were enrolled in our study with non surgical treatment and 18 with surgical treatment. Each group was divided regarding to the age in two subgroups. Functional outcome was evaluated 12 and 24 months after injury with AOFAS clinical rating scale and Sports Ankle Rating System – Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation. Statistical analysis was done with Pearson’s Chi quadrate test with P < 0.05.
First grade injury was present in 62%, second grade in 31% and only 7% of the patients had third grade injury of the lateral ankle ligaments. Further only third grade injuries were studied. Statistically significant better results were seen in patients under the age of 25, in the patient group with surgical treatment compared to patients over 25 years of age. Also statistically significant better results were seen in patient with surgical treatment to non surgical treatment in each age group. No significant difference was observed in the non surgical treatment group regarding to age.
Although the injuries of the ankle ligaments belong to the most common injuries of the musculoskeletal system, there is no consensus in the treatment of such disorders.
Our experiences and the results of our study show, that surgical treatment in indicated cases provides better results in residual pain and instability of the ankle joint after acute injury of the lateral ankle ligaments.;
Key words:
ankle joint – subluxation of the talus – lateral ligaments of the ankle – non surgical treatment – surgical treatment
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