Contagious and Parasitic Occupational Diseases in the Czech Republic
P. Brhel
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika pracovního lékařství FN U su Anny a LF MU, Brno, přednosta doc. MUDr. Petr Brhel, CSc.
Published in:
Pracov. Lék., , 2002, No. 2, s. 59-64.
Contagious and parasitic disease notified according to the appropriate chapter V of the List of occupational diseases accounted in 1996 to 2000 for 1906 new cases, 18% of all occupational diseases. The age of the patients varied between 16 and 79 years, mean 39.2±11.9 years. Among the patients women predominated (74%). According to branches of economic activities occupational infectious diseases predominate in health professionals, in agricultural and forestry workers. Most diagnoses esere diagnosed and notified in the East Bohemian region. Occupational diseases with an interhuman transmission account for 68%, zoonoses for 29% and tropical diseases for 3%. Among interhuman diseases predominate scabies, infectious hepatitis and tuberculosis, among zoonoses trichophytoses, erysipeloid and Lyme borreliosis. In tropical, subtropical or other climatically, hygienically and epidemiologically pretentious areas workers contract most
Key words:
working environment, occupational diseases, occupational infectious, scabies, hepatitis, zoonoses, malaria
Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Occupational Medicine
2002 Issue 2
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