Hospital-acquired pneumonias
Petr Jakubec; Aneta Křenková; Vítězslav Kolek
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika plicních nemocí a tuberkulózy LF UP a FN Olomouc
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2017; 63(11): 776-785
Nosocomial infections are a common complication of hospital care. Hospital-acquired (HAP) pneumonia is one of the most common nosocomial infections and it is the most dangerous in terms of mortality. The problem is mainly selected hospital bacterial strains with rising antibiotic resistance. Diagnosis of the cause of pneumonia is difficult and often does not lead to a positive result. Management is complex and is based on timely and appropriate empirical antibiotic treatment. Local and extrapulmonary complications are relatively common and they increase morbidity and mortality. Prognosis of the HAP is often unfavorable, especially in the elderly and polymorbid individuals.
Key words:
complications – etiology – hospital-acquired pneumonia – management
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Internal Medicine

2017 Issue 11
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