Traumatic tricuspid regurgitation: case report
J. Bizoň 1; R. Brát 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Odborná kardiologická a interní ambulance, Hlučín
1; Kardiochirurgické centrum FNsP Ostrava-Poruba, přednosta prim. MUDr. Radim Brát, Ph. D.
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2006; 52(9): 815-818
Case Report
Traumatic tricuspid regurgitation is a rare disease owing to penetrating or nonpenetrating thoracic trauma. In the last 40 years, since motorism is increasing, this disease can be seen more frequently. In most cases, rupture of chordae tendinae on the tricuspid valve, damage of the front papillary muscle and rupture of the tricuspid valve leaflets. On an acute stage, the damage of the valve can remain undiagnosed. Later on, the patient might have no symptoms; however, symtoms of right heart failure indicating an operation appear. This case-study is concerned with a patient with traumatic tricuspid regurgitation.
Key words:
nonpenetrating chest trauma - tricuspid regurgitation - echocardiography - tricuspid valve repair
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Internal Medicine

2006 Issue 9
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