Psychosomatic medicine in patient´s individual story
D. Skorunka
Authors‘ workplace:
Lékařská fakulta UK Hradec Králové
přednosta prof. PhDr. Jiří Mareš, CSc.
; Psychiatrická ambulance, Rychnov nad Kněžnou
; Ústav sociálního lékařství
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2006; 86(6): 357-359
Biopsychosocial relations
The article deals with psychosomatic perspective in medicine that provides more space and more attention to both a subjective world of a patient and to his/her individual story as a significant context of being ill. In the article, some psychotherapy approaches are discussed, particularly those, that are beneficial not only for somatising patients but also for patients with certain chronic diseases. Several possible steps are suggested that could contribute to enhancement of psychosomatic thinking and biopsychosocial model in medicine.
psychosomatic medicine, psychological and social factors, psychotherapy, family therapy, story and narrative.
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

2006 Issue 6
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