Reflections of Possibilities of Domiciliary Enteral Nutrition in the Czech Republic on the Threshold of Millenium
S. Solař
Authors‘ workplace:
Pohotovostní úrazová ambulance ÚVN, Praha, primář MUDr. J. Martínek
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2001; (8): 452-455
The author draws attention to the development of the system of care of different groups of chronically sick patients in their home surrounding in recent years in the Czech Republic. As an example of advances in this field he mentions domiciliary nutritional support of indicated patients, i.e. malnutrition, tumorous diseases or convalescence. The article deals with one type of nutritional support, i.e. enteral nutrition by drinking, tube, possibly stomies. The objective of the paper is to stimulate the activity of doctors who have a license and thus possess theoretical and practical knowledge for the implementation of domiciliary nutrition.After introductory remarks on the development of nutritional care in home surroundings data on the incidence of malnutrition are mentioned regarding the unfortunately hitherto predominating approaches to some patient’s groups such as patients with malnutrition after oncological diseases. The main part is the devoted to detailed instructions how to implement nutritional support, based on longstanding experience of the author. In the conclusion the author mentions two aspects of nutritional care in homes, i.e. possible complications and on the other had the feeling of satisfaction when nutritional support has a positive effect.
Key words:
system of domiciliary care of the chronically sick - malnutrition, its forms and incidence - domiciliary nutritional support - system of domiciliary enteral nutrition - practical experience with domiciliary enteral nutrition - procedures.
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner
2001 Issue 8
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