On Ethical Principles of Medical Research (Codes and their Infringement
M. Munzarová
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav lékařské etiky LF MU, Brno, vedoucí doc. MUDr. M. Munzarová, CSc.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2001; (8): 462-464
The text of the German guidelines on human experimentation (Circular of the Reich Minister of the Interior, February 28, 1931) is presented and the discrepancy between the guidelines and practice, not only during national socialism, is documented. It is stressed, that the safety of the research subject is ensured above all by the personality of physician.
Key words:
medical experimentation - ethical codes
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner
2001 Issue 8
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